^z 16th April 2023 at 8:31am
Clues from poet William Stafford (1914-1993) on some important things:
- "Your job is to find out what the world is trying to be."
- "No harm in being quiet – that's the sound that finally wins."
- "The world looks tame, but might go wild, any time."
- "Just being is a big enough job, no time for anything else."
- "That one open, great, real thing – the world's gift: day."
Thank you for those gifts, and many others, Mr Stafford – and for the example you set of soft, steady sharing ...
(cf In My Journal (2005-01-29), The Way It Is (2021-03-19), When I Met My Muse (2021-05-06), Aggressive Courtesy (2021-05-20), ...) - ^z - 2021-07-09